How to read, write, and publish a paper
- Title: How to read, write, and publish a paper
- Price: RM35
- Content:
- Basics of reading a scientific paper:
- Why read a paper?
- Types of research paper
- Where to find a paper
- Sections in a paper
- Critical appraisal tools
- Steps (my way) in reading a paper
- How to use AI in reading a paper
- Basics of writing a scientific paper:
- Why write a paper?
- Types of a scientific paper
- General flow of a scientific paper
- Write-up plan/protocol
- Anatomy of a scientific paper
- Flow of writing (my own)
- Extra tips for a write-up
- Reference manager - Mendeley/Zotero
- Use of AI in a write-up (my opinion)
- Basics of publishing a scientific paper:
- Why publish a paper?
- Indexing databases?
- Publishers vs journals
- Predatory publishers and journals
- How to find a journal?
- Open access vs closed access
- Peer review
- Cover letter
- Reviewer suggestion
- Basics of reading a scientific paper: